Babelpoetry is a poetry project in which the poet/reader uses randomly generated text (often using the 'random article' option on wikipedia) and plugs it in to any online translator. The poet/reader then translates the selected text as much as desired without changing the text in any other way. The last step involves placing the text in a format indicating the way in which the poet/reader would read the words. Word order may not be changed and words may not be 'spliced' in any fashion.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Lake) :
335 and
000 when the capitals of the Delta
(western Nile Delta, Egypt, which is that
the capital which was

supposed Arab Highness, and where.

Cairo kilometers (59 miles)
north-south east of Alexandria,
130 km (81 miles)
that you set in 1994.

Search for cotton
in the Nile Delta
and the central.

Full Ahmad Badawi imagination
ambiguous form of the establishment
of three centuries,

the main mosque in the city
3 buried alive
with the annual celebration of the festival

The famous yellow deserts
complete the stadium

1 comment:

Iain said...

Tanta (Arabic: طنطا ) is a city of Egypt, capital of the Al Gharbiyah governorate on the Nile Delta, and at an estimated 335,000 inhabitants, considered the capital of the Delta. It is located 94 km (59 miles) north of Cairo and 130 km (81 miles) southeast of Alexandria. It is a cotton-ginning center and the main railroad hub of the Nile Delta. Three annual festivals are held in Tanta in honor of Ahmad al-Badawi, a revered Sufi figure of the 13th century, who founded the Badawiyyah tariqah and is buried in the main mosque of the city (see Egyptian festivals). Tanta is very famous for its special sweets eaten during the mulid festivals.

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email me at marEshall (at) gmail (dot) com