Babelpoetry is a poetry project in which the poet/reader uses randomly generated text (often using the 'random article' option on wikipedia) and plugs it in to any online translator. The poet/reader then translates the selected text as much as desired without changing the text in any other way. The last step involves placing the text in a format indicating the way in which the poet/reader would read the words. Word order may not be changed and words may not be 'spliced' in any fashion.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Irony mark

Ironically marks (French : It is not ironic) punctuation.

It seems clear
to be understood as saying
that the second level. It shows
that with the problems facing post-mark.

I mentioned last year, this year marks
sometimes ironic irony,

SNARK on the cream.
This is a very valuable purpose.

1 comment:

Iain said...

The Irony mark (French: point d’ironie) is a punctuation mark that purports to indicate that a sentence should be understood at a second level. It is illustrated by a backward-facing question mark. An irony mark may sometimes be referred to as an irony point, snark or zing. It is extremely rare in use.

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email me at marEshall (at) gmail (dot) com