Babelpoetry is a poetry project in which the poet/reader uses randomly generated text (often using the 'random article' option on wikipedia) and plugs it in to any online translator. The poet/reader then translates the selected text as much as desired without changing the text in any other way. The last step involves placing the text in a format indicating the way in which the poet/reader would read the words. Word order may not be changed and words may not be 'spliced' in any fashion.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


(All [central processing unit]
[Li] of radanits
also of song
the resentment of the radhanits.
collections of radhani. radhanim;

Trades of aniyya of ð of Jamri
of the S/1999/815
ends of mediums of anybody
of Arabia and palate Y of president).

The trader of Jew
which is on the average age.
Clothing of the silk gibe
for the businessman of Jew
which is by the network of businesses of family
which is in Europe the union which is specific,
but the important origin and Asia would refer about it
in accordance with a flask of duration
if. Is not clearly.

The average age where it reaches (Islamism of Europe
and the businessman of Jew commercial
between the Christian world mainly of 600-1000.
With the normality of empire
it became a share of romantic mercies
of duration of an attention in the original their effort.

The sales network will include the major part of Europe.
North Africa and the Middle East and the Central Asia,
it was vague humanity contributes.


Iain said...

The Radhanites (also Radanites, Hebrew sing. רדהני Radhani, pl. רדהנים Radhanim; Arabic الرذنية ar-Raðaniyya) were medieval Jewish merchants. Whether the term, which is used by only a limited number of primary sources, refers to a specific guild, or a clan, or is a generic term for Jewish merchants in the trans-Eurasian trade network is unclear. Jewish merchants dominated trade between the Christian and Islamic worlds during the early Middle Ages (approx. 600–1000 CE). Many trade routes previously established under the Roman Empire continued to function during that period largely through their efforts. Their trade network covered much of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and parts of India and China.

Anonymous said...

yo homeboy, it's Theresa. This one I crafted, and I like it.

The area of middle finger
Mendocino is the dog malice
border of the beach of Goj
Mendocino of the Kaljfo'rnja
the north which is distant.

Regarding me
with the Andreas, southerner of western humanity,
and justice removal

the Gorda of the structure
which is relationship of 3 boats
in the last when it spreads out,
the area of Cascadia
walking it criticizes.

It relates to the west in that structure,
regarding rain
active person - hundreds this that time
it of them mile remainder
profile of hazard it went, the Gorda attached.


The Mendocino Fracture Zone is a transform boundary off the coast of Cape Mendocino in far northern California. It runs westward from a triple junction with the San Andreas Fault and the Cascadia subduction zone to the southern end of the Gorda Ridge. West of its junction with the Gorda Ridge, an inactive remnant section continues for several hundred miles.

About Me

email me at marEshall (at) gmail (dot) com