Babelpoetry is a poetry project in which the poet/reader uses randomly generated text (often using the 'random article' option on wikipedia) and plugs it in to any online translator. The poet/reader then translates the selected text as much as desired without changing the text in any other way. The last step involves placing the text in a format indicating the way in which the poet/reader would read the words. Word order may not be changed and words may not be 'spliced' in any fashion.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tropical Storm Waldo

To northeast Altai

brazier fortune

tropical swirls from name and criticism

brazier fortune

northwest rise high with the something else.

*1985 was used
from the eastern piece criticism

brazier fortune

typhoon, name Mexico,
600 are to egg me
it will pick up
and it destroyed.

Is to the roster
which is to west

Pacific Ocean and the name
which is oldest: Neighborhood Vicky

egg my tropical rainstorm

typhoon *1998
Japan, in place minimum effect.

1 comment:

Iain said...

The name Waldo has been used for one tropical cyclone in the eastern north Pacific and one in the western north Pacific.

The name has been used one in the eastern Pacific:

* 1985's Hurricane Waldo - destroyed 600 homes in Mexico.

The name was on an old list of names in the western Pacific:

* 1998's Tropical Storm Waldo - disrupted by the adjacent Typhoon Vicki, hit Japan with minimal impact.

About Me

email me at marEshall (at) gmail (dot) com