Babelpoetry is a poetry project in which the poet/reader uses randomly generated text (often using the 'random article' option on wikipedia) and plugs it in to any online translator. The poet/reader then translates the selected text as much as desired without changing the text in any other way. The last step involves placing the text in a format indicating the way in which the poet/reader would read the words. Word order may not be changed and words may not be 'spliced' in any fashion.

Monday, September 17, 2007


New straight Adam humanity

* dębno their city woiwodschaft
referring their insufficient names Westpommern
Shane Allah Allah Muhammad
which are a previously the large,

* Bördekreis them compared to the company
the fact that doing their swallow
means their mouth aluminum

Allah will lead the Allah
Allah city end which is enormous
from Shasuonie them hands,

1 comment:

Iain said...

Neudamm bezeichnet

* den deutschen Namen der polnischen Stadt Dębno in der Woiwodschaft Westpommern
* einen Ortsteil der Gemeinde Am Großen Bruch im Bördekreis in Sachsen-Anhalt

About Me

email me at marEshall (at) gmail (dot) com